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  • Зробити внесок | Благодійний Фонд "Фундація Дениса Євдокіменка"

    Зробити внесок TO CONTRIBUTE Privatbank account Mono збір на мінування Details of the charity fund: DENIS YEVDOKIMENKO FOUNDATION CHARITABLE FOUNDATION CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION UAH: Name of recipient: БФ ФДЄ БО Recipient code: 44865171 Invoice in the format according to the IBAN standard: UA903052990000026005031026192 Bank name: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK" Purpose of payment: Благодійний внесок Dollar: Company details (Company Name): CO "CF" FODY" (IBAN Code): UA913052990000026009011024444 (Name of the bank): JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE (Bank SWIFT code): PBANUA2X (Company address): UA 64703 Ukraine, region Kharkivska, city Kharkiv, avenue Nauki, building 64, flat 81 Correspondent banks (Account in the correspondent bank): 001-1-000080 (SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank): CHASUS33 (Correspondent bank): JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA or (Account in the correspondent bank): 890-0085-754 (SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank): IRVT US 3N (Correspondent bank): The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA Euro: Company details (Company Name): CO "CF" FODY " (IBAN Code): UA083052990000026009011032243 (Name of the bank): JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE (Bank SWIFT code): PBANUA2X (Company address): UA 64703 Ukraine, region Kharkivska, city Kharkiv, avenue Nauki, building 64, flat 81 Correspondent banks (Account in the correspondent bank): 400886700401 (SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank): COBADEFF (Correspondent bank): Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany or (Account in the correspondent bank): 6231605145 (SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank): CHASDEFX ] (Correspondent bank): JPMORGAN AG, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY 1 Актуальний збір Інформація про пожертви Актуальні збори Постійна банка на мінування Постійно діюча банка на обладнання для дистанційного мінування Алмази для оборонців Закуповуємо для 68 ОЄБр електронні ключі “Алмаз-1К” для цифровізаці ї обліку і діловодства. Більше інформації в соцмережах Інформація про пожертви Залишки грошів на рахунку після реалізації благодійного проєкту, використовуються для реалізації наступного (чергового) благодійного проєкту згідно статуту благодійної організації. Благодійні внески є безповоротніми і не підлягають поверненню. Роблячи благодійний внесок на рахунок благодійної організації, благодійник дає добровільну згоду на перерозподіл/використання в інших проєктах зібраної суми у разі виникнення відповідної потреби.

  • Контакти | Благодійний Фонд "фундація Дениса Євдокіменка"

    Контакти благодійного фонду CONTACTS FOUNDATION OF DENIS YEVDOKIMENKO CHARITY FOUND CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION Legal entity identification number: 44865171 Location of the legal entity: Ukraine, 61103, Kharkiv region, Kharkiv, Nauki Ave., building 64, apartment 81 Date and number of entry in the USR: 23.05.2022, 1009371020000001611 Leader - Denys Yevdokimenko Information for communication: +380958554849

  • Благодійний фонд | Фундація Дениса Євдокіменка

    Благодійний фонд для підтримки Збройних Сил України на передовій CHARITY FUND FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO To contribute Hi, I'm Denis Evdokimenko! There should be a text about the charity and its mission, but there is no time for that. It's simple: we collect donations, get what the military needs and deliver it directly to the front line. For the military , this is an opportunity to destroy the enemy more effectively. For you - to help the front and bring victory. We do it so transparently, as much as possible . You know what to do. To contribute

  • Публічна оферта | ФДЄ

    Public offer Public offer On providing a voluntary charitable donation This offer is addressed to an indefinite number of persons - individuals and legal entities - visitors to the site on the Internet: https: // (hereinafter - Site), hereinafter referred to as "Philanthropist", and is an official and public proposal of the Charitable Foundation "Denis Yevdokimenko Foundation", hereinafter referred to as "Foundation", represented by the founder Yevdokimenko Denis Ruslanovich, acting on the basis of the Statute, to enter into a charitable voluntary donation agreement. contract), the subject and essential conditions of which are listed below: 1. Terms and definitions: Acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance of the public offer by making actions to make a money transfer using payment forms and funds posted on the site, as well as by transferring funds to the Fund's current account through banking institutions. The moment of acceptance is the date of crediting the funds to the settlement account of the Fund. Payment is a voluntary charitable donation. Voluntary charitable donation - making a money transfer by the Philanthropist to achieve the goals, objectives, directions and types of statutory activities of the Fund in accordance with the Agreement and the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations". 2. Subject of the contract: The subject of this agreement is the gratuitous transfer of funds by the Philanthropist in favor of the Fund to achieve the goals, objectives, directions and types of statutory activities of the Fund. Acceptance of the Agreement means that the Benefactor agrees with all its provisions, he is fully aware of the subject of the Agreement and donates the purpose of the collection. The Agreement is concluded by unconditional and full accession of the Benefactor to this Agreement and acceptance of all essential terms of the Agreement. Philanthropist and the Foundation managing Art. 207, part 2 of Art. 639, Art. 641, 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, Art. 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations", agree that the Agreement is concluded in writing without signing a written copy by the Parties from the moment of the Benefactor's actions under the Agreement, agreeing to comply with the Agreement. The Agreement is posted on the website https: // in free access and in a way that provides access to the contents of this Agreement to each person to the Fund. The Benefactor may NOT offer its terms of the Agreement. 3. Rights and obligations of the parties: The Fund has the right to: - Receive voluntary charitable donations and use them to achieve the goals, objectives, directions and types of statutory activities of the Fund in accordance with the Agreement and the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations". - At the request of the Philanthropist to provide a report on the received voluntary charitable donation and its use. The philanthropist has the right to: – Transfer the voluntary charitable donation to the Fund's account in the manner specified in the Agreement; - Request a report on the use of voluntary charitable donations. 4. Place of fundraising: Collection of voluntary charitable donations is carried out on the territory of any of the countries of the world. 5. Term of fundraising: The collection of voluntary charitable donations continues until the liquidation of the Foundation, unless another term is determined by the Foundation. 6. Procedure for General Access to the Fund's Reports The Fund's reports are accessed by posting them on the website under the heading "Reports". Other information may be provided by the Fund in the manner and within the time limits provided by the legislation of Ukraine. 7. All expenses for the payment of amounts related to the transfer of donations are borne by the Benefactor. 8. Other conditions The benefactor independently determines the amount of the voluntary charitable donation. The donation is voluntary and non-refundable. The philanthropist is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when transferring the donation. In order to comply with the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" and to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, the Benefactor agrees to the processing of personal data. The provisions of Ukrainian legislation apply to the relationship between the Philanthropist and the Foundation.

  • Політика Конфеденційності | Благодійний Фонд "фундація Дениса Євдокіменка"

    політика конфенедційності Privacy policy Privacy Policy and Terms of Use FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation publishes this privacy policy and terms of use of the site / in order to avoid any misunderstandings and conflicts with users. 1. The user must not influence or interfere with the operation of this site or access the information published on this site, other than through the standard interface. 2. The visitor, using this site, must comply with current legislation of Ukraine, as well as the conditions of use of the site. If the site administration finds a violation by the visitor when using the site or the law or the terms of use of the site, it may suspend or completely block the visitor's access to the site. 3. On the site https://www.fody / user is prohibited from questioning in any way the territorial integrity of Ukraine, calling for violent change of government, promoting violence, gender, racial intolerance, and national intolerance, and intolerance based on sex, intolerance personality orientation. It is also forbidden to use obscene language. If these conditions are not met, the user may be denied access to the commentary, or to the site as a whole. 4. Collection and use of personal data: 4.1. Personal data is information or a collection of information about an individual who is identified or can be identified. 4.2. Visitor on the site https://www.fody may be asked to enter personal data, including name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number. 4.3. When registering on the site https: //www.fody visitor agrees to the administration to process his personal and registration data. If the visitor decides to provide his personal data, he consents to the transfer and storage of this data. 4.4. FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation reserves the right to collect data on visits to the site or connections that pass through the site. This information may include information about your Internet connection, traffic, and Internet service life. 4.5. Visitors' personal data is used to facilitate the use of the site by visitors, to take into account their interests and preferences in the implementation of editorial policies, as well as to analyze user behavior. Personal data are used in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", "On Information", "On Information Protection in Information and Telecommunication Systems", ND TZI 2.5-010-03 "Requirements for protection of information WEB-page from unauthorized access" . 4.6. The Goodness Workshop Charitable Foundation reserves the right to keep personal data indefinitely. 4.7 Site server https: //www.fody temporarily registers the domain name or IP address of the visitor's computer, as well as the access date, files (file name and URL), HTTP response code and website from which the visitor came per site, the number of bytes transferred during the session. 4.8. When the site https: //www.fody cookies are used. With their help it is possible to identify the visitor's browser. You can save user settings and other information in these files. The visitor can configure the browser to reject all notifications or notify you when they are sent. Cookies are used to make the site https://www.fody / safe, secure and convenient. Cookies support and run security features, and allow visitors to track violations of privacy policies and conditions. They help to estimate the number and frequency of requests, as well as to detect and block those visitors or devices that are trying to batch download information from the website. 4.9. With the help of the Google Analytics system, the FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation collects statistics on site visits. This information about the pages visited, the number of page views, information that was downloaded, the country of origin of visitors, as well as information about how to visit the agency's website, etc. None of these actions are related to the visitor personally and are measured only as a whole. 4.10 FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation takes appropriate security measures to collect, store and process the collected data to protect it from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure of your personal information. 4.11 FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation does not sell or exchange personal information of users. 5. The website https: //www.fody may contain links to sites that do not belong to the FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation. 6. Charitable Foundation " FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO " has the right to provide any personal information of site visitors https://www.fody at the request of law enforcement agencies, by court decision or in other legal procedures, or by other request in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine. 7. FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation is not responsible for lost profits or lost profits, lost income, data loss or any other losses of site visitors https://www.fody if these occurred while using the site. 8. The FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation does not guarantee or claim that the use of materials published on the website https: //www.fody does not harm the interests of third parties. 9. The FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation tries to ensure that all information on the website https://www.fody / was as reliable as possible. However, the organization does not accept responsibility or guarantee that the information and data provided are accurate, objective and current at the time of review. 10. Author's publications and columns contained on the site https://www.fody , is the point of view of their authors. The FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation is not responsible for the accuracy, objectivity and relevance of the information published on the website https: //www.fody with reference to other sources of information. 11. All rights to the site https: //www.fody and its contents belong to the Charitable Foundation " FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO " or are used by it in agreement with the right holders. This site as a whole, and some of its elements, are protected by the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights", international legal acts and other acts of current legislation of Ukraine. 12. Site visitors must not distribute, modify, transmit, in any way use the information of the site https: //www.fody / for any public or commercial purpose without the written permission of the FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation. Visitors must comply with all copyrights and other proprietary notices of the uploaded materials. The information used must contain an active hyperlink to the site 13. Copying information from the site https://www.fody can be carried out for non-commercial purposes for placement on user pages, blogs, social networks. 14. Site visitors are responsible for all risks that arise when using the site https://www.fody / . Within the limits allowed by law, the FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation, or any other party involved in the creation, production or maintenance of the site https://www.fody , is not responsible for direct, indirect or accidental damages that have ever been caused and that were caused by the fact that the visitor had access to the site https: //www.fody used it or hoped for it, even if the FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation warned the visitor about the possibility of such losses and losses. 15. When working with the site https://www.fody visitor is not granted intellectual property rights to the site, its content or the use of any elements of branding or logos of the site. 16. The FOUNDATION OF DENYS YEVDOKIMENKO Charitable Foundation reserves the right to revise this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use at any time. 17. If you visit this site, you automatically agree to this privacy policy. If you do not agree to this privacy policy and privacy policy, you must leave the site. 18. If you change this Privacy Policy, you can read about all changes on this page. 19. To contact the site administrator for any questions you can write a letter to e-mail: .

  • Актуальні Потреби | Благодійний Фонд "фундація Дениса Євдокіменка"

    Актуальні потреби військових на передовій ACTUAL NEEDS OF THE MILITARY Ballistic goggles / masks Summer uniform Knee pads / elbow pads Tactical and army knives Cigarettes Tactical lights Thermal imagers Drones Duty Belt Off-road vehicles Car batteries 100A Ratio Motorola DP4400, 4600, DM4400 and analogues Repeater Motorola SLR1000 in VHF band

  • Звіти | Благодійний Фонд "фундація Дениса Євдокіменка"

    Фотозвіти, фінансова звітність благодійної організації Revenue and expense reports

  • Бізнесу | Благодійний Фонд "фундація Дениса Євдокіменка"

    Пропозиція для співпраці для власників бізнесу Business Foundation of Denis Yevdokimenko invites business representatives to join the fund's fundraising campaign, recalculating the percentage of monthly income. In turn, the Foundation has the opportunity to make personalized financial and photo reports specifically for your business, so that the participation of your customers is clear and transparent. You can also help the military forses by officially transferring to the fund under the contract property or goods that we will be happy to deliver to the forefront. For proposals for cooperation, please contact or call +380958554849.

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